Curriculum Vitae

Cirriculum Vitae Heinrich Kotschenreuther
Experience Highlights
ABB Kraftwerke AG, Mannheim
KW/D Fossil Fired Power Plant
1972 - 1983
Project proposal for large steam turbines
Design departments (R&D) for steam and gasturbines at BBC Mannheim
Responsible for the first combined cycle power plant in Germany (1976 Hagen Kabel and 1978 HKW Wuppertal Barmen)
Head of industrial power plant design department
Head of proposal department for large steam turbines and combined cycle power plant
First comb. cycle power plant Anta, India (360 MW)
Design and Award form the high efficient cogeneration plant FWK Buer in Gelsenkirchen
The first windbox-conversion for Hemweg 7 power plant
1987 - 1996
Head of proposal department for large coal fired and combined cycle power plant at ABB Mannheim
Hemweg 8 650 MW coal fired power plant
Alba, Bahrain, 500 MW comb. cycle power plant
Staudinger 5 550 MW coal fired power plant
Rostock 550 MW coal fired power plant
Gandhar 400 MW comb. cycle power plant
Deeb conversion to comb. cycle power plant
Amer 9 650 MW coal fired power plant
Kot Addu ex. GT conversion to comb. cycle power plant
Ghom, Iran, GT 9A conversion to com. cycle power plant
Taweelah B, cogeneration plant 800 MW
Schkopau 450 MW cola fired power plant
Lippendorf 2 x 930 MW coal fired power plant
Babcock Borsig Power, Oberhausen
1997 - 2001
Managing director at Babcock Borsig Power
Responsible for turn key power plants
Opel Rüsselsheim, 110 MW cogeneration c.c.p.p.
(GE 6FA gas turbine)
Nowa Sarzyna 180 MW cogeneration c.c.p.p.
(GE 6FA gas turbines)
Debrecen 110 MW cogeneration c.c.p.p.
(GE 6FA gas turbine)
Duisburg Hamborn 260 MW conv. p.p.
Taweelah A1 1350 MW cogeneration c.c.p.p.
(GE 9E gas turbines)
Tarragona 400 MW cogeneration c.c.p.p.
(GE 9FA gas turbine)
PPC Power Plant Consultant & Engineering, Hemsbach
Since 2002
Managing director & owner of Power Plant Consultant & Engineering
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